Reading time: 10–15 minutes/574 characters



The relationship between leather and humans goes back thousands of years, when the survival of the human race depended on the warmth provided by animal hides. While survival was the reason, the motivation and the starting point of a connection that would be strengthened for centuries today is a relationship full of nuance determined by the beauty of this material.

What is so precious to us is actually waste to the food industry, and that’s exactly where our sustainable mission begins, in transforming leather through artisanal techniques to give new life to timeless pieces that celebrate the leather tradition.

Precious material

As part of nature, leather should be treated with respect. Our objective is to honor it by giving it new life through unique pieces that highlight its virtues and conserve its memory. It may sound idealistic to say that leather should be handled sensitively or that every piece is extraordinary. However, just by looking at leather closely, we can see the magnitude of its beauty, which transcends the aesthetic. The brands and scars tell us a story of memory, evolution, and of what we were given to honor.

For this reason, at Vélez we do not see leather as a means to bring trends to life. Our vision goes beyond the obvious, understanding it as a valuable and noble material that was granted to us to create unique pieces and showing how sublime and magnificent it is.

Leather as a sustainable material

From its origin to its qualities and even the tanning process it undergoes at Vélez, leather is a sustainable material. We recycle, reuse and give new life to thousands of pieces that are discarded by the meat industry. Our work elevates leather while taking care of the environment by avoiding processes of decomposition that are highly polluting to the planet.

Defining it as a precious material means we are committed to treating it as such. Like wine, leather should undergo a process in which each detail is cared for in order to conserve and strengthen the qualities that make it unique over time.

Nunca se debe ver el cuero como residuo, siempre como un elemento de creación. Es por eso que en cada proceso de curtido le apostamos a la reutilización de los subproductos que se generan, dándole vida así a etiquetas y demás productos que construyen un modelo de producción circular.


Our commitment to the environment led us to create initiatives to mitigate the impact on the planet. We strongly believe in “leather for good” and that’s why our processes are transparent. We increased the energy and water efficiency of our plants and we treat 100% of the waste water. We use as few chemicals as possible and we also reduce our carbon footprint by using renewable sources of energy.
We believe in our work for the environment and we know that our products have a magic about them that is found not only in their designs, but also in the transformation process they undergo over time, as they become a legacy to be passed on. At Vélez, we are recyclers, artisans and restorers who work with a fine material that never disappears, that lasts and conserves its memory.



Sustainability seals / Responsible fashion / Transparency in production processes / Decrease in the carbon footprint


Sustainable from the Source / We are responsible and take action / Responsible shopping, buy Colombian


For a More Sustainable Fashion Industry / A Sustainable Mission That Drives Us to Innovate